[PDFlist] Towards a Nordic Alliance for Gender Equality & Gender Justice

Pacific Disability infor at pacificdisability.org
Mon May 16 13:15:09 +12 2022

>From Women UN Report Network:

The first-ever cross-sectoral Nordic roundtable with a spotlight on gender equality and climate justice in the region was convened by FOKUS, UN Women and the Nordic Council of Ministers in Oslo, Norway, on 24 January 2022. The objective of the roundtable was to form an alliance, provide a platform for knowledge exchange, identify challenges, and find solutions to the climate justice and gender equality nexus - and to promote a joint Nordic voice for gender equality. This brief summarizes the discussion and offers 22 takeaways, backed by statements and inputs. It sheds light on important areas of action for people and planet, alike.

[A picture showing the cover of the Nordic Alliance for Gender Equality & Climate Justice Report.  It is light brown with large alphabets showing the heading.  The Meeting took place in Oslo in January of this year.]

22 Takeaways from the Nordic Roundtable on Gender Equality & Climate Justice

  1.  Scale up cross-sectoral collaboration and alliances for gender equality and climate justice
  2.  Set tangible ambitions and commitments for a gender-responsive and just transition at the CSW and beyond
  3.  Learn from others, use knowledge better, and expand evidence
  4.  Take an all-of-government approach for a more equal and green society
  5.  Stop looking at the green transformation in economic terms only - it must be just for all genders
  6.  Ensure a rights-based, intersectional approach to gender equality in climate justice
  7.  Push for equal representation in leadership and decision-making and analyze how gender norms influence climate policies
  8.  Raise awareness, train managers, and set company targets
  9.  Make gender equality a hard-hitting policy area
  10. Hold everyone in government accountable to deliver on gender equality
  11. Assess the impacts of climate and energy strategies
  12. Entrench diversity and sustainability into every business decision
  13. Build on the Nordic strengths in welfare and family policies for green jobs
  14. Make sustainability the business model of today with products and services relevant to all
  15. Use the green transition as an opportunity to reduce social and gender inequality
  16. Make women's voices heard and harness the expertise of women's organizations
  17. Focus on lifelong learning and the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow
  18. Analyze and act on why women and girls do not choose STEM careers
  19. Be smart in hiring, promoting, remunerating, and training inclusive talent
  20. Nurture a community of a new generation of activists
  21. Bridge the digital gender gap also at home
  22. Transform actions, attitudes, and structures

Direct Link to Full 24-Page 2022 Publication: nord2022-016.pdf (norden.org)<https://pub.norden.org/nord2022-016/nord2022-016.pdf>

Kind regards

Paradise Tabucala
Public Relations & Communications Officer

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Organisation in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Commission since 2012.
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