[PDFlist] [PDF-members] fw: WHO Draft Guidelines on physical activity- and 1st WHO guidelines for people with disabilities

Ali Tafileisap yap.ali.tafileisap at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 19:14:29 MDT 2020

Soloveni and all,

Well noted.

Thank you,

On 4/20/20, Soloveni Vitoso <infor at pacificdisability.org> wrote:
> FYI.
> Blessed week.
> Solo
> ________________________________
> From: Catherine Carty <Catherine.Carty at staff.ittralee.ie>
> Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 11:33 PM
> Subject: WHO Draft Guidelines on physical activity- and 1st WHO guidelines
> for people with disabilities
> Dear All
> Greetings from the UNESCO Chair in Ireland on disability inclusion in and
> through sport, physical education and physical activity. I am happy to
> report that WHO have included guidelines for people with disabilities. From
> my perspective this is most welcome. At this point with feedback due today a
> statement may be all you can manage. However if you can review please do.
> WHO is seeking stakeholder feedback on the draft Guidelines on physical
> activity and sedentary behaviour for children and adolescents, adults and
> older adults 2020.
> The Global action plan on physical activity 2018-2030 (GAPPA) identified the
> need for updated global recommendations on physical activity and sedentary
> behaviour. In 2019 WHO established a Guideline Development Group (GDG) to
> update the 2010 recommendations and undertaken a review of the latest
> scientific literature. The GDG has held two scientific meetings and
> reviewed the evidence in order to draft new guidelines.
> A public consultation phase is now open to gather feedback on the draft
> recommendations before they are finalized.
> https://www.who.int/news-room/articles-detail/public-consultation-on-the-draft-who-guidelines-on-physical-activity-and-sedentary-behaviour-for-children-and-adolescents-adults-and-older-adults-2020
> The target audiences for the final guidelines are: policy makers and
> government officials, in health and other sectors, who develop national
> plans and strategies to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary
> behaviours in populations through guidance documents; persons working in
> non-governmental organizations, education and workplace organizations;
> academia and research; and persons working in health services, allied health
> and exercise professionals.
> The overarching goal of these guidelines is to provide population-based
> recommendations on the amount of physical activity (frequency, intensity and
> duration) that will offer significant health benefits and mitigate health
> risks. Additionally, for the first time, these guidelines provide
> recommendations on sedentary behaviour and health outcomes. These guidelines
> have been developed for children and adolescents, adults, older adults and
> sub-populations such as pregnant and postpartum women and those living with
> chronic conditions or disability. These guidelines will replace the
> recommendations on physical activity for health released in 2010 with the
> most recent advances in the evidence base for these behaviours and
> associated health consequences.
> HOW?
> Feedback can be provided using an online survey available via
> https://extranet.who.int/dataform/375518?newtest=Y
> All contributions submitted through this process will be collected and
> consolidated by the WHO Guideline Steering Group and presented to the
> Guideline Development Group to inform final recommendations.
> Closing date is 17 April 2020, 17:00 Central European Time.
> Feedback will be received only through this platform
> Kind Regards
> Catherine Carty
> UNESCO Chair Project Manager
> "Transforming the Lives of People with Disabilities, their Families and
> Communities, Through Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Fitness".
> Institute of Technology Tralee
> Co Kerry
> Ireland
> Phone:  +353 66 7144194
> Mobile:  +353 87 2868250
> [X]
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