[PDFlist] Fw: Pacific Island COVID-19 Partner Organization Survey

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Sun Apr 19 14:53:18 MDT 2020





From: Hillary Hanson [mailto:hhanson at ifes.org]
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2020 7:59 AM
To: Angeline Chand <development at pacificdisability.org>
Cc: Lauren Sauer <lsauer at ifes.org>; Hilary Collins <hcollins at ifes.org>; Tanya Azuaje <tazuaje at ifes.org>
Subject: Pacific Island COVID-19 Partner Organization Survey

Dear _______,

On behalf of the Pacific Disability Forum and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), I would like you to participate in a short Pacific Islands COVID-19 survey to assess how the recent COVID-19 pandemic is impacting your organization. This valuable information will be used to develop programming to address challenges the disability community faces during these unprecedented times. We encourage you to share this link with others who might be interested in participating. Please complete the survey by Monday, April 27th.


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