[Pdf-women] Women's Link Worldwide Launches the 10th Edition of the Gender Justice Awards

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Mon Sep 17 15:40:17 MDT 2018

Nomination Form: https://www.womenslinkworldwide.org/en/awards/case-nomination


Women’s Link Worldwide Launches the 10th Edition of the Gender Justice Awards

Today it begins the tenth edition of the Gender Justice Awards, where people all over the world choose the best and worst judicial decisions related to gender equality

Madrid, September 17, 2018 – Today the international nonprofit organization Women's Link Worldwide launches the 10th edition of the Gender Justice Awards<http://salsa4.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=PfZ8ksem8ot5pp3raUpYbSFMl9J2vm2n>, an annual initiative, where anyone can nominate the best and worst judicial decisions related to gender equality from courts worldwide.

“Now more than ever women and girls around the world are standing together to share stories of the violence and discrimination committed against them. While the fight is advancing in the streets, women and girls continue to face obstacles to accessing justice in the courtroom”, explains Estefanny Molina, a lawyer at Women’s Link.

Some decisions are shocking, as the decision in “La Manada” case in Spain, in which a court refused to convict five men of sexual assault despite having video of the rape, reasoning that the woman did not "actively resist" the assault. Or the decision of a court in Virginia (USA) following a trend of criminalizing issues related to pregnancy when it upheld a 5-month prison sentence of a woman for disposing of her stillborn fetus after suffering from an obstetric emergency in her home.

Others are a big step in the right direction for gender equality. In Kenya, a court ruled that medical workers violated the rights to health, dignity, and to be free from cruel inhuman and degrading treatment, of a pregnant woman that was forced to deliver her baby on a concrete floor and suffered obstetric violence.

“The Awards are a tool for all of us to monitor judges’ decisions around the world-to commend their work when they do it well, as well as to shine a light on them when their decisions are discriminatory”, concludes Molina.

Starting today and until October 31st, anyone anywhere can nominate judicial decisions for the 2018 Gender Justice Awards, by visiting the Women’s Link website. The announce of the winners will take place the first week of December.

Getting involved in the Awards

Anyone can participate in the Awards by going to Women’s Link’s website and nominating and voting for the judicial decisions that either promote or undermine women’s and girls’ rights. There are many ways to participate: nominate a case, vote for nominations, share a decision in social media, etc.

At the end of the voting period, a jury of human rights advocates as well as the general public, by casting their votes, will decide which are the best and worst judicial decisions around the world this year.

Jury Members of the Gender Justice Awards

As in every edition of the Awards, a distinguished international jury<http://salsa4.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=H9EjXa8RPhWRjKu0TY3sPyFMl9J2vm2n> made up of human rights advocates, together with the public, will give to the best and worst court decisions of the year.

This year the jury is comprised of:

  *   Isabel Coixet (Spain): Film director, screenwriter and producer.
  *   Willy Mutunga (Kenya): Former Kenya’s Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court.
  *   Luciana Peker (Argentina): journalist, specializing in gender issues.
For more information:
Laura Martínez (Madrid, Spain)
+34 699 984 800
l.martinez at womenslinkworldwide.org<mailto:l.martinez at womenslinkworldwide.org>

Women's Link Worldwide is an international nonprofit organization that uses the power of the law to promote social change that advances the human rights of women and girls, especially those facing multiple inequalities.

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