[PDFlist] Enhancing Social Dialogue Towards a Culture of Safety & Health - Gender - ILO Report

Pacific Disability infor at pacificdisability.org
Sun May 1 18:39:49 +12 2022

>From the International Labour Organisation:

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2022 - April 28

Around 2.9 million workers die every year due to occupational accidents and diseases and at least 402 million people suffer from non-fatal occupational injuries1 . Examining 41 pairs of specific risk factors and health outcomes, the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates indicate that work-related diseases were responsible for 81 per cent of all work-related deaths, with deaths due to occupational injuries accounting for the remaining 19 per cent of work-related deaths2. The occupational risk factor with the largest number of attributable deaths was exposure to long working hours (resulting in 745,000 related deaths), followed by exposure to particulate matter, gases and fumes - resulting in 450,000 deaths.3 Not only do occupational injuries and illness cause immeasurable human suffering to victims and their families, they also entail major economic losses for enterprises and economies as a whole - which may be measured in terms of health care costs, compensation costs, production losses, reduced work capacity and lower workforce participation. Occupational accidents and diseases are estimated to contribute to 5.4 per cent of annual global gross domestic product (GDP) lost.

[The Picture is of the cover for the ILO Report. The Report is named "Enhancing social dialogue towards a culture of safety and Health"  It is based on the learnings from the COVID-19 crisis]

Direct Link to Full 69-Page ILO 2022 Report: wcms_842505.pdf (ilo.org)<https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---safework/documents/publication/wcms_842505.pdf>

Kind regards

Paradise Tabucala
Public Relations & Communications Officer

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Pacific Disability Forum
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Email: paradise.tabucala at pacificdisability.org<mailto:paradise.tabucala at pacificdisability.org>
Website: www.pacificdisability.org<http://www.pacificdisability.org>

Organisation in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Commission since 2012.
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