[PDFlist] PDF - Pacific News Today.

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Wed Apr 1 22:50:27 MDT 2020

HI PDF Subscribers,

Below are headlines being shared today (2 April 2020) from around the Pacific;

Close to 500 under quarantine, confirms Fiji Health Ministry

SUVA, 02 APRIL 2020 (FIJI TIMES) -Close to 500 people are still under quarantine in Fiji due to COVID-19 Pandemic – Read More.<https://www.fijitimes.com/close-to-500-under-quarantine-confirms-ministry/>

COVID-19: 48 arrested on third day for breaching curfew hours in Fiji

SUVA, 02 APRIL 2020 (FIJI TIMES) ---Forty-eight more people were arrested for breaching curfew hours from 10pm last night to 5am this morning throughout Fiji – Read More.<https://www.fijitimes.com/covid-19-48-arrested-on-third-day-for-breaching-curfew-hours/>

Nauru's Covid-19 preparations boosted

YAREN, 02 APRIL 2020 (RNZ PACIFIC)-Nauru's Covid-19 preparations are set for a boost with Taiwan donating a testing machine – Read More.<https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/413194/nauru-s-covid-19-preparations-boosted>

Covid-19: NZ Police pushed to release lockdown guidelines

WELLINGTON, 02 APRIL 2020 (NEWSROOM)-Police have come under pressure to release legal advice and guidance on how they are using the emergency powers granted to them during New Zealand's coronavirus lockdown – Read More.<https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/covid-19-police-pushed-to-release-lockdown-guidelines/ar-BB122G5y?li=BBSVtLJ>

Covid-19 pandemic poses gravest threat to world’s poorest countries

SYDNEY, 02 APRIL 2020 (WORLD SOCIALIST WEBSITE)-The coronavirus has begun to take hold in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific Islands, threatening some of the most impoverished people on earth – Read More.<https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/04/01/poor-a01.html>

PNG Tourism will take time to recover: Agus

PORT MORESBY, 02 APRIL 2020 (POST COURIER) -It could take the Papua New Guinea tourism industry over a year to recover from Covid-19 and its direct impacts to the industry – Read More.<https://postcourier.com.pg/tourism-will-take-time-to-recover-agus/>

Low-skilled workers, developing countries at risk of steep economic decline as coronavirus advances

NEW YORK, 02 APRIL 2020 (UN NEWS CENTRE) -The global economy could shrink by up to one per cent in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and may contract even further if restrictions on economic activities are extended without adequate fiscal responses, according to analysis released today by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) – Read On<https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/04/1060832>

China and Australia target Pacific with coronavirus aid

SYDNEY, 02 APRIL 2020 (REUTERS)-Beijing has ramped up its diplomatic push into the Pacific, pledging coronavirus aid and medical advice, although its efforts are being impeded as islands close borders to stop the spread of the disease from hotspots including China – Read On<https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-pacific-idUSKBN21J4WG>

Australia responding to COVID-19 challenge in Pacific

CANBERRA, 02 APRIL 2020 (DFAT)-Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic represents a significant challenge for governments and communities across the Pacific. It is a challenge the Australian Government is committed to tackling with our Pacific partners, in the long-term interest of the stability, prosperity and resilience of our region – Read On<https://www.foreignminister.gov.au/minister/marise-payne/media-release/responding-covid-19-challenge-pacific>

Virus claims third life on Guam, 77 confirmed cases

HAGTANA, 02 APRIL 2020 (THE GUAM DAILY POST)-An 81-year-old man who contracted COVID-19 died at Guam Memorial Hospital midday Wednesday – Read On<https://www.postguam.com/news/local/virus-claims-third-life/article_111a4126-73d6-11ea-aa1c-1b0fe6fc3a9e.html>

Lautoka lockdown extended to Tuesday: Fiji Health Minister

SUVA, 02 APRIL 2020 (FBC NEWS) -The Lautoka lockdown has been extended until Tuesday next week as Fiji Government wants to ensure there are no COVID-19 cases are left undetected – Read On<https://www.fbcnews.com.fj/news/covid-19/123123lautoka-lockdown-extended/>

U.S Navy to quarantine sailors in hotels on Guam

HAGATNA, 02 APRIL 2020 (THE GUAM DAILY POST)-Some of the USS Theodore Roosevelt's sailors who will test clear of COVID-19 will be quarantined in unnamed Guam hotels as military officials work to decontaminate the aircraft carrier and separate them from sailors who have fallen ill from the rapidly spreading virus – Read On<https://www.postguam.com/news/local/navy-to-quarantine-sailors-in-hotels/article_5d51c176-73e6-11ea-a4d0-7bf7c1c2d16c.html>



Soloveni Vitoso
Public Relations & Communications Officer

Pacific Disability Forum
Ground Floor, Kadavu House, Victoria Parade  |  GPO Box 18458  |  Suva, Fiji

Phone: (+679) 3312008  |  (+679) 3307530
Mobile: (+679) 891 2656 (Vodafone)  |  (+679) 844 6016 (Innk)
Fax: (+679) 3310469
Skype: soloveni.vitoso
Email: infor at pacificdisability.org<mailto:ceo at pacificdisability.org>
Website: www.pacificdisability.org<http://www.pacificdisability.org/>

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