[Pdf-women] Feminist Values - Stand Together in Solidarity

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Sun Mar 29 23:33:08 MDT 2020

Egypt - Nazra for Feminist Studies . ???? ???????? ???????


A Letter of Solidarity | Together, We Stand in Solidarity..To Build

28 March 2020 - We believe that the day patriarchy was born, was the same day that witnessed the birth of the first feminist as argued by Gerda Lerner. This is how feminists came into existence through the act of resistance. The feminist movements, wave after another have learned how to fight oppressive and discriminatory structures while being mindful of the intersectionality of women's conditions. Moreover, they learned how to build and make progress out of major crises.

The feminist movement has continuously established feminist solidarity and collective action, while consolidating their values and disseminating them to the world through inspiring experiences. Most of these experiences reflect dedication, sacrifice and the adoption of collective survival values to enhance women's lives.

At the present time, we and humanity as a whole are experiencing a new crisis, which can be considered the biggest crisis of our modern time. In these times, the world adopts a number of feminist values and convey them to the globe such as joining forces in times of fear, loss and build, collective responsibility and action towards our survival, international cooperation and collectiveness in order to understand and identify ways to overcome this crisis.

COVID-19 pandemic not only comes as a threat to our lives, but it threatens women by increasing the possibilities of discrimination and oppression against them. In light of this development, we reconsider the concept of survival for these women while revisiting the different intersectionalities of women's lives.

At this moment, we, women and feminists, are conscious of the magnitude of the fears, burdens, and risks that we face. Additionally, we realize that we have a significant role in humanity in which history testifies for us playing this role in previous similar times. Moreover, we are aware of how to cooperate with others in order to develop values of feminist solidarity as well as our responsibilities toward each other's and toward our causes.

We are aware that together we can build bridges to cross over the fears and dangers and together we can build a new start in history for the feminist movement.

This message in such times is a reminder to ourselves and to feminist activists all over the world that we are aware of what to be done.

We know that this is a time to hold strongly to our values and causes, it is a time to share our experiences, to share our agonies and fears, to share awareness and develop it together, to exchange ideas, support, and feminist solidarity, a time to build.

We know that this is a time to think about all the women who are now frightened and threatened and in need of our voices. A time to make sure that we listen to women and their experiences, and we know very well that these crises as they present pain to women, they provide them with resistance and resilience.

This time might constitute a new beginning, and we need to cooperate together and to evolve together in order to survive through various means and with an awareness that is shaped by us to present humanity with new rich values as we have always did that emanates from the continued act of resistance and dedication to defend women's rights, while adhering to our feminist values.
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