[Pdf-women] Call for Nominations: UNESCO Prize for Girls’ & Women’s Education 2020

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Sun Mar 22 16:58:37 MDT 2020

Call for Nominations: UNESCO Prize for Girls’ & Women’s Education 2020

Contact: GWEPrize at unesco.org<mailto:GWEPrize at unesco.org>

See: https://en.unesco.org/news/unesco-prize-girls-and-womens-education-2020-now-accepting-nomination<https://en.unesco.org/news/unesco-prize-girls-and-womens-education-2020-now-accepting-nominations>

On International Women’s Day, UNESCO launched the call for nominations for the 2020 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education. The Prize awards US$ 50,000 annually to two laureates making outstanding efforts in favour of girls’ and women’s education.


Governments of UNESCO Member States and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in official partnership with UNESCO are now invited to nominate up to three individuals, institutions or organizations who have made strong, innovative contributions in favour of girls’ and women’s education.

Interested candidates are invited to contact their country’s Permanent Delegation to UNESCO<http://www.unesco.org/eri/permdel/Protocollist_complete_p.asp?language=E>, or an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO<https://en.unesco.org/partnerships/non-governmental-organizations> for more information.


Nominations must meet the eligibility and selection criteria set by the Prize. Nominated projects must be established and running for at least two years, show potential to be replicable and scalable, and contribute to one or more of the priority areas of the Prize. An independent International Jury<https://en.unesco.org/themes/women-s-and-girls-education/prize/jury> of five experts will assess nominations on the basis of the project’s potential for impact, innovation and sustainability.

Consult the selection process<https://en.unesco.org/themes/women-s-and-girls-education/prize/nomination> webpage of the Prize to learn more.


Deadline for submissions is 26 May 2020 (midnight, Paris time).


Nominations must be submitted in English or French via an online platform, accessible only to Permanent Delegations to UNESCO and NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO.

Based on the recommendations of the Jury, the Director-General of UNESCO will announce the 2020 laureates who will receive the award at an official ceremony on 11 October 2020 as part of International Day of the Girl Child celebrations.

Established in 2015 and funded by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the Prize honours outstanding and innovative practices advancing girls’ and women’s education. It consists of two US $50,000 awards to help further the work of laureates in this field

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