[Pdf-women] Notice: Change in PDF Office Land Line

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Tue Mar 10 19:01:51 MDT 2020

Dear partners, colleagues, and friends,

Pacific Disability Forum is switching its office landline from Telecom to Digicel.

Our new landline Digicel Number is (679) 773 0200.

Nevertheless, our old Telecom number (679) 331 2008 will also be integrated into this new Digicel platform meaning that if you dial (679) 331 2008, it will still reach our switchboard.

Please share with your networks.

For your information.



Soloveni Vitoso
Public Relations & Communications Officer

Pacific Disability Forum
Ground Floor, Kadavu House, Victoria Parade  |  GPO Box 18458  |  Suva, Fiji

Phone: (+679) 773 0200  |  (+679) 331 2008
Mobile: (+679) 7720 132
Fax: (+679) 3310469
Skype: soloveni.vitoso
Email: infor at pacificdisability.org<mailto:ceo at pacificdisability.org>
Website: www.pacificdisability.org<http://www.pacificdisability.org/>

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