[Pdf-women] Fundamental: Gender Justice. No Exceptions.filmseries

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Thu Mar 5 16:41:58 MST 2020





From: bounce-927944-108129 at lyris.spc.int <bounce-927944-108129 at lyris.spc.int> on behalf of Sharon Bhagwan Rolls <sbhagwanrolls at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 1:00 PM
To: Pacific Women's Information Network
Subject: [pacwin] Fundamental: Gender Justice. No Exceptions.filmseries

Ahead of International Women's Day and in celebration of Women's History Month, the Fundamental: Gender Justice. No Exceptions.filmseries was launched on March 4, 2020 on Refinery29's official YouTube channel and YouTube.com/Learning.

Fundamentalis a character-driven five part documentary series that invites global audiences to engage directly with grassroots movements who are standing up for our fundamental human rights.

Produced by Global Fund for Women and directed by Academy Award-winner Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, the Fundamental series episode premiered March 4: https://fundamental-film.com/rights-not-roses/

The other four episodes will launch each Wednesday after that, through April 1.
Each episode profiles a distinct set of remarkable leaders mobilizing to write new futures for themselves, their societies, and the world-working on issues from ending child, early, and forced marriage in Pakistan, to pursuing LGBTQI+liberation in Georgia, to fighting racism and patriarchy in Brazil, to creating women leaders through comprehensive sexuality education in Kenya, and racial justice in the United States.
Follow the Fundamental social channels to get updates about each episode as it is released.

Facebook: @Fundamental Film Series, @Global Fund for Women

Instagram: @FundamentalFilmSeries, @GlobalFundWomen

Twitter: @Fundamental_Doc, @GlobalFundWomen

In solidarity

Sharon Bhagwan Rolls

  *   Global Fund for Women: Co-chair Board of Directors

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