[Pdf-women] CSW 64 Officially CANCELLED - Due to Coronavirus

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Tue Mar 3 17:40:13 MST 2020



NGO CSW64 Forum Cancellation Notice

2 March 2020

It is with a heavy heart that we have to share this regretful news with you.

Following the announcement by the UN Secretary-General<https://mcusercontent.com/eb520eecfe82a5bf0d814ea1f/files/41aa963a-a64c-4eed-afc5-3b77894fb7a5/sg_to_pr_armenia_re_csw___28feb_20___signed.pdf_1_.pdf> on the coronavirus threat sent on Friday, 28 February, and the 64th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW64) briefing held on 2 March, the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, New York (NGO CSW/NY) Executive Committee has decided to cancel all NGO CSW64 Forum events due to the current threat posed by the coronavirus as per recommendations by the UN Secretary-General, UN Women and the World Health Organization (WHO).

NGO CSW64 Forum events that must be cancelled include: the Consultation Day, Reception, Conversation Circles Space, Artisan Fair, Rally, advocacy trainings, caucuses and all 550 Parallel Events scheduled through our office.

Reimbursements will be given for all events. Please be advised that as it may take up to 4-6 weeks to process everyone's reimbursement, we ask for your patience in the process. Further instructions will be sent separately to those who have purchased event tickets or venue spaces.

The only refunds we will not be able to honor will be for any ads purchased. Handbooks are in the process of being printed and will be mailed out to those who purchased an ad. Your ad will be available on the NGO CSW/NY website and will be highlighted through our social media channels.

A formal letter by the NGO CSW/NY stating the reason for cancellation to be helpful with hotel and/or airline reimbursements is attached<https://mcusercontent.com/eb520eecfe82a5bf0d814ea1f/files/f0e086a7-c55c-44e7-8efd-d5fafb3f4076/CSW64_NGO_Forum_cancellation_notice_2March2020.pdf>.

We were heartened by the power of women to mobilize at the critical moment! Within 48 hours, we had over 50,000 individuals raising their voices regarding the CSW64. No CSW without NGO CSW and no NGO CSW without women of the world!


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