[Pdf-women] Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2019

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Thu Sep 19 19:03:36 MDT 2019


Direct Link to Full 22-Page 2019 Publication:



This newly release publication brings together the latest available evidence on gender equality across all 17 Goals, underscoring the progress made as well as the action still needed to accelerate progress. A concise 22 pages in length, the publication take a spotlight approach, selecting one indicator per goal to illustrate progress, gaps and challenges to date. The exception to this approach is SDG 5, which is covered at the target level using corresponding indicators with available data and presented in a two page infographic style spread. In the case of the environmental goals, data gaps are a serious challenge. Women and men differ in their vulnerability to environmental challenges but data gaps hampers deeper understanding of the gender-environment nexus. The publication presents what information is available in the form of an infographic and emphasizes the lack of data and need to address this gap. On Leave No One Behind the report makes clear: an analysis on leaving no one behind is inherently an analysis of women and girls from poor, rural and marginalized groups.

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