[Pdf-women] Fw: Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2020

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Tue Sep 17 19:03:38 MDT 2019

Please share widely to all your Pacific Networks



From: Visram, Nadia <n.visram at commonwealth.int<mailto:n.visram at commonwealth.int>>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 3:34 AM
To: Emily Moli <emily.moli at undp.org<mailto:emily.moli at undp.org>>
Subject: Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2020


I am writing to you from Commonwealth Writers<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.commonwealthwriters.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjone.raqauqau%40undp.org%7Cd16485a20fc7466f63c008d73bb359d9%7Cb3e5db5e2944483799f57488ace54319%7C0%7C0%7C637043513809618751&sdata=uX2TeHb5ZRzzVXGCYzsDHGQ0V3HwbMZHsP3oQNfF5EA%3D&reserved=0>, part of the Commonwealth Foundation<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.commonwealthfoundation.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjone.raqauqau%40undp.org%7Cd16485a20fc7466f63c008d73bb359d9%7Cb3e5db5e2944483799f57488ace54319%7C0%7C0%7C637043513809628745&sdata=ardDwoXX6qOm%2Bq87m6kCLAmsVA7E8PDSOEYf4xC0IfM%3D&reserved=0>. We run a writing competition called 'The Commonwealth Short Story Prize', which is now open for entries.

The competition is open to all citizens of Commonwealth countries, free to enter, and there is a cash prize for the 5 regional winners.

The judging panel for the prize are from each of the five Commonwealth regions - Africa, Asia, Canada and Europe, the Caribbean and the Pacific. This year's judge representing the Pacific is Nic Low, a writer and artist of Ngai Tahu Maori and European descent.

The prize accepts stories in 11 languages: Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Greek, Kiswahili, Malay, Portuguese, Samoan, Tamil, and Turkish. Stories that have been translated into English from any language are also accepted.

Entries must be unpublished, can be on any theme, and the competition is open until 1 November 2019 (11.59pm in any time zone).

We are trying to spread the word about the prize further, particularly in the Pacific Islands where we struggle to get the word out. If you are able to help us share the details of the prize through your networks, social media platforms and anywhere else you think might be appropriate, we would very much appreciate it.

If you would like any more information about us or the Commonwealth Short Story Prize, or if you require any further images for use at all, please just let me know.

There is also more information about this year's prize here: http://www.commonwealthwriters.org/cssp-2020/<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.commonwealthwriters.org%2Fcssp-2020%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cjone.raqauqau%40undp.org%7Cd16485a20fc7466f63c008d73bb359d9%7Cb3e5db5e2944483799f57488ace54319%7C0%7C0%7C637043513809628745&sdata=VZMk%2FDXT448c36XtmZ2jBI0YmFEdSbLxfMQ36mGRoBk%3D&reserved=0>

Thank you for your help and with kind regards,


Commonwealth Writers Team

writers at commonwealth.int<mailto:writers at commonwealth.int>


Twitter/Instagram: @cwwriters


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