[Pdf-women] CSW 63

Savina Nongebatu dceo at pacificdisability.org
Mon Jan 21 20:10:15 MST 2019

Dear Ladies
Please apply for funding to attend CSW 63.
Solo has shared information on the subject
Kind regards

Savina Nongebatu
Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Pacific Disability Forum
Ground Floor, Kadavu House, Victoria Parade  |  GPO Box 18458  |  Suva, Fiji

Phone:    (+679) 3312008  |  (+679) 3307530
Fax:        (+679) 3310469
Email:     dceo at pacificdisability.org<mailto:dceo at pacificdisability.org>
Website: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.pacificdisability.org&c=E,1,qiPJz4ZvP0Z2RQ_9Tl21sAXSgTeC86OM5lSByv836Qr4fc7J10Hi-3qwIshqjvzTu0_IT3c_100FqEfaolHwCT81XaDHHygz_RDCY_4FWH9d&typo=1<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.pacificdisability.org&c=E,1,JsEnWm4CJ5-v6GDfxAHX3m1hcKDSNr45b5Sl7c76URXNfchlyfIZm6p-pu4Ta5X97s9zD75cFBBCPtRoiH7YBGu9W6Bukg1NK4Wc1ApMdcJikK8f&typo=1>

[Revised Logo wave and tagline]

Organisation in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Commission since 2012.
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