[Pdf-women] Commemorative Art for Women Human Rights Defenders Memorial

Soloveni Vitoso infor at pacificdisability.org
Thu Sep 20 18:13:31 MDT 2018


[A creative and colourful note to this year's Tribute by Vienna Rye]

AWID is very excited to be working on this year's Tribute with Vienna Rye, a visual artist and political organizer from New York City, USA.
Vienna uses her art "as a catalyst to decolonize imagination, confront settler colonialism, racism, capitalism, and patriarchy."
She will be creating unique and colorful commemorative pieces of art for each of the women human rights defenders (WHRDs) featured in this year's Tribute.
Is there a WHRD, feminist or activist that you know who has passed away, was killed or has disappeared? We invite you to honour them in this creative collaboration.

    Share their stories with us     <https://secure.awid.org/sites/secure.awid.org/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=36662&qid=7582476>

Please send us a contribution by 28 September 2018

Amina Doherty & Verónica Vidal,
on behalf of the whole AWID Team

The WHRD Tribute
We are launching the 7th edition of our WHRD Tribute on 29 November, as part of the 16 Days of Activism. Our Tribute takes the form of an ongoing online exhibit that aims to remember feminists, activists and WHRDs who are no longer with us.
Learn more about our WHRD Tribute<https://secure.awid.org/sites/secure.awid.org/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=36663&qid=7582476>

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